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Give Something Back International Foundation
Give Something Back International Foundation

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GVC Web Design Rubric
A guide for students and teachers participating in the GVC Contest.







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Well thought out and logical.  Interesting topic(s) throughout

Interesting topics, but scattered organization or thoughts.

Well organized, minimal topic coverage

Many topics but no cohesiveness

Minimum content; no logical organization

Quality of Content

Informs, entertains, shares, teaches. Strong in originality or creativity.

Informs, entertains, shares, teaches. Good originality or creativity.

Just a rehash of the ‘same old topic’.  Nothing or little which is creative or original.

Minimal content; nothing original or creative.

(want to say boring!)

Cultural Connection

Content reflects the various cultures / viewpoints of its creators.

Content dominated by a single point of view or a single school.


Each page contains credits for text, images, etc. Original work also indicates country of creator. Third party work credited with indicator of permission for its use.

Each page contains credits for text, images, etc. Third party work credited with indicator of permission for its use.

Each page contains credits. Third party work credited with indicator of permission for its use.

Content credited, but just with a page of links.  No indication of which links refer to which part of the site’s content.

No attribution anywhere on site.






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Navigation and structure
Easy to navigate; structure is clear (sections and sub sections); no instances of being ‘stranded’ without a way to continue or return. Graphics based navigation contains alternate menu.
Easy to navigate; structure is clear (sections and sub sections); no instances of being ‘stranded’ without a way to continue or return. Only way to navigate is by using the browser’s back button to the main page.
Visual appeal Images, animations, video, or sound are used effectively to add meaning. Site is attractive, with good design. Text is readable. Site is attractive, with good design. Text is readable. Text difficult to read because of color choice and/or background. Images & other media add nothing to content but are there for their own sake.
Creativity and Consistency Graphics and multimedia, creative and original. Site design is consistent throughout. Creative and original, but overall design inconsistent. Consistent design but no original graphics or multimedia. No overall design.





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Content reflects the participation of all 3 schools, such as sharing research, or technical expertise, or artwork. Credits on each page indicate which students from each country created that page or contributed to the content. (Web work can be done by one school as long as others contributed to content and/or graphics.)

Each school made their own pages independently, with no apparent interaction.

No indication of collaboration. Site appears to be the work of only one school.
Connections Evidence of collaborative process in chat, Skype or other methods documented on the site. No evidence of collaborative discussions.
Reflections Teacher and student reflections reflect learning through collaboration with partners. No reflections included.

Helping Focus

some examples here

Types of things which fulfill the requirement for the helping focus:
Student actions in community service related to website theme.
Support of a worthy cause through such things as community awareness and/or fund raising.
Demonstrating any ways of giving back to the community.
Helping others to understand environmental or social issues through the web site created.

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Helping focus by all three schools related to the theme of their site. Helping focus by all three schools, unrelated to their site theme, or helping focus evident from only two of the schools and site theme very helping focused. Helping focus evident from only two of the schools, or helping focus evident from only one school and site theme very helping focused. Helping focus evident from only one school, or helping focus evident from no schools but site theme very helping focused. No helping focus